Summer in the City

Comprised of watercolor, pen, mixed media gel pens, acrylic, my new oil pastels, and strips of another painting, “Summer in the City” is 9″ x 12″ on watercolor paper. Started and finished in the same sitting, that is unusual for me!

Even though the colors are cool, there is still something hot and sultry about this abstract city scene.

I love my mixed media gel pens, I use them all the time and they are almost done. After lots of research on Amazon, instead of re-buying, I opted for these slightly less expensive oil pastels.

I am not impressed. The colors look really bright and festive, in the box, but I can’t seem to get the vivid hues on paper. Or canvas. No matter what I try. If you have used these and had a different experience, I’d love to hear your tips!

9 replies to “Summer in the City

  1. i love it, tiffany. Also. unfortunately, these are not artist quality oil pastels. I use sennelier oil pastels which are buttery and soft….and very expensive, however you can usually buy them individualy. I use the cheaper ones like you have for rubbings on paper and for resists in my art journal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had a feeling that might be the case. Since art supply funds are low, I settled for low quality, which I usually regret! I have put Sennelier pastels on my wish list, thank you for your input!


  2. Thank you so much, Joni! For some reason, I have been painting a lot of structures/cityscapes lately, which I assume has something to do with a lack of structure in my life lately, art therapy at it’s finest!


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