Ghosted – Again

12″ x 16″ Mixed media on canvas

I don’t know what I did, (or maybe a ghost did it?), but somehow, my original post about my painting “Ghosted” got deleted. I was responding to the comments on my phone when, all of the sudden, it wouldn’t let me reply. The post was gone. 😲

Thank you to everyone that liked and commented on the original post! 🙏 I really appreciate each one of you that take the time to interact with me, and I’m sorry all your sweet comments have disapearred into the ethernet! At least I can still see them in my comments tab, so I know who you are!😉

I just have to share this! One of the comments was from my friend and poet Roger Moore had written the most amazing poem in response to my painting, it touched me so much, I just had to repost the painting and share his words as they are so perfect! Thank you so very much, Roger! 🙏😊

For Tiffany

sorrow blends with hope
emotions layered
in a heart-felt pairing
love-hate… joy-grief… tears-safe haven
much lies hidden beneath the surface
a surface rubbed and scrubbed
more emotion in finger nails
that scratched and dug
seeking order from chaos

Your poem!

You can find more of Roger Moore’s brilliant work here, and I encourage you to listen to him read his poems on Spotify here. To hear his voice adds multitudes of depth and emotion to his powerful words!

I’m actually working with another brilliant artist/poet on a little collaboration, stay tuned to see what we come up with! I am so blessed to have connected with so many wonderful creatives here on WP, you guys are the best!!! 🥰❤🎨🌈🌻

18 replies to “Ghosted – Again

  1. How nice of Roger to write a poem. Your paintings are so beautiful, to see them one more time is a bonus. Computers and phones are “interesting” sometimes, making changes on their own.

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