“Obsessed” Exhibition

I went to visit my painting, “The Mind of a Child” now on display at Ashton Gallery in San Diego!

It’s been over a year since I’ve had my work on display for live viewing. Let’s face it, people need to see and FEEL art to really make a connection with a piece. Especially abstract art. It’s all about the energy and emotion that the piece instills.

Of course things are not back to normal by a long shot, but it’s a start. There are more and more galleries opening and pop up art shows are coming back, cautiously. I look forward to having big opening receptions again someday, maybe next year, until then, this will do!

For those of you who can’t make it to San Diego to view the “Obsessed” exhibit in person, you can see it online, just click on this link!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with love, creativity and beautiful sights!!! ❤🎨😊🌼

20 replies to ““Obsessed” Exhibition

    1. Thank you so much, Maria Teresa!!!! I used to do this all the time, and it was always a thrill to see my work hanging in a gallery, but since it’s been so long, it was like the first time all over again!🤣😁💕🙏

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  1. This looks like a very interesting exhibition and your painting fits in so well! I like what you say about people feeling a connection with the energy of a piece. I really miss exhibitions and I’m so looking forward to the world opening up again.

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    1. Thank you, Margaret! Me too! The art community in San Diego feeds off of each other, we need to be out and about and making art events happen! Slowly but surely it will come back and it will be awesome!!😁🙏🥰🎨

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  2. Congratulation 😊 It is great that galleries are slowly opening up again. I agree about the live view, also thinking about your pictures and the different textures. It would never be the same seeing it in a photo.

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    1. Thank you, Inese! I suppose it’s better safe than sorry, 4 more weeks isn’t too bad when you consider how long we’ve been waiting, I think things around here are opening too quickly. 😉


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