New Studio!

Still a work in progress, but so much better!

Well, it’s kind of new, I made some major changes to the space where I work and create. It’s taken a lot of time, energy and sweat, (it’s the hottest week of the year) but I am thrilled with the results!

I’ve been hauling all of my art supplies in little square bins for years, all mashed up totally unorganized, I could never find anything I want. I had some paints on a shelf where I could see some of them, but the shelves were very deep so I couldn’t see the stuff in the back.

Shady Grove my helper!

I finally had the idea to switch the two tall Ikea billy bookcases that were in the library with the shelves in the studio. Yes, it was a nightmare of a project, but ultimately, both rooms are better suited with their new shelving! Best of all, it was free!

The chaos before the organization!

The big test will be seeing if my creativity changes since I will sitting at a table as opposed to sitting on the floor when I paint. Everything I’ve painted in the last two years was sitting on the floor. I sometimes wonder if that is where I draw my creative energy from, we will soon find out!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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