
16” x 20” Acrylic on canvas

Here is another painting rediscovered whilst cleaning and organizing the studio. It was my husband that proclaimed the left side of the painting looks like a fireplace, and the other side looks like two birds looking into a window, yep, totally see that. 

I’m calling it “January” because it is cold in California right now, and I really wish I had a cozy fireplace to snuggle up next to! I suppose the birds are looking into the house with the cozy fireplace and wishing they were warm too. 

I hope you are all warm and cozy and enjoying the start to the new year! 

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25 replies to “January

          1. Yeah, you should look into it. You have a strong consistent body of work for potential clients to choose from. I looked into couple years back and was very generously told my work was good but too diverse to be able to present to potential clients. So “maybe” one day I can revisit that 😊


  1. Wow, that’s a very beautiful piece of art and you are so talented! Yes, I definitely see the birds, not to sure about the fireplace, but I love it. Thanks for sharing and wishing you and your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year 🎉🎉🎉 Aiva

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Liked that painting but I see more of a seaside type thing going on…where the right side looks like a fishing boat arriving at a small port…like the ones I see in the small Greek islands or in Turkey…and the left side is the open sea with its many changes, colours and inhabitants…I guess we all see different things, that is the sign of a good abstract piece for in that we realise the time and the effort that you had to use to make it. We don’t know your internal references, but perhaps you can explain…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was flipping back and forth the other night between Patti Smite on Fallon and January Jones on Kimmel. January was wearing a dress that would have fit right into this painting!

    Liked by 1 person

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