All My Friends

“All My Friends” 16″ x 20″ Acrylic on wood panel

I completed this painting back in August 2018, and then it sat in a pile of unfinished paintings, until now.

It was a late night in August, maybe some glasses of wine, and it just came out, fast. To me, it looked like a raving party, and for some reason, I think it is a party just for ghosts, all of my friends that have passed on, there are many. At least it looks like they are having a grand time!

I painted this on a flat panel of wood and had no way of hanging it. So, I got a little crafty, found some small pieces of wood, some wood glue, oh heck, I brought out ALL my tools! Finally, it is hung and I remember that I love this painting so much!


12 replies to “All My Friends

  1. I love it too! It reminds me of the farm at night in the coldest depths of winter when the sky is a dark blue and the snow on the trees reflects the moonlight. When you are grateful for the warmth of your home and enthralled by the beauty of the stark, frigid night on the other side of the window pane.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. It is probably what the ghosts that party in our house with the cats look like if we could see them. The cats can see the ghosts, we can hear them at times, we sometimes smell their perfumes, and they steal things from us quite often, but we never see them. “All My Friends” is a lovely painting.

    Liked by 2 people

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