Splendor – And a Video!

11″ x 14″ mixed media on paper

Brusho Crystals, acrylic, watercolor, glitter, gouache, and ink were used in this new creation.

I’ve been asked by several people what are Brusho Crystals?? So, for the first time ever, I made a short video to show you!

Between the planes overhead (we live under the flight path of a major international airport), my husband listening to the ballgame on the radio, the kids playing next door, and random dogs barking, background noise was an issue, so I kept it short.

I have some ideas for other videos, and now that I have a bigger space to work in, and a stand that allows me to adjust the camera angle, I will be making more videos.

Please encourage me by liking, commenting, and subscribing to my YouTube channel to see what else I come up with! 😊

31 replies to “Splendor – And a Video!

  1. LOVE this!! Aren’t the Brusho crystals fun, tho? So many ways to use them! And the colors are yummy! Will have to get mine out, see if they’re still ok (it’s bee a while). Your video is super, too! TERRIFIC POST!! 👏👏👏👏👏🥰👋

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “Splendor” is wonderful, Tiffany, and so too your creative and informative video presentation! Those Brusho Crystals with sprayed water look very cool & fun to work with. Thanks for sharing my friend! 🎨😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look, Rebecca! For my first time and the first cut, I am okay with it, but I can see I have so much to learn about video production! I have a long way to go to get to your level! Wishing you well my friend! ☺

      Liked by 1 person

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