Queen of Hearts

11″ x 14″ Mixed media collage on watercolor paper

The Queen of Hearts, she is a mysterious one. One minute she is jolly and smiles, a moment later she srceams “off with their head!” It’s a confusing game and you are wise to not play, she lures with her lies, but it always ends with you as her prey!

Tiffany Arp Daleo

I feel silly posting that.😅 I occasionally dabble in writing poetry, it’s hard not to get inspired by all YOU real writers, but I rarely feel my writing is good enough to post. I’m going to try and push myself out of my comfort zone and write more this year, goal. 😉

I hope you find this mixed media collage to be pleasing to the eye. It’s a mix of acrylics, watercolor, gouache, pen, cut-up paintings, and magazine clippings. It turned out to be a bright and festive piece that will look lovely framed, matted, and hanging on your wall! Click here to see available framing and matting options!

42 replies to “Queen of Hearts

  1. Beautiful and exuberant mystery! I ♥️ the colors and how you’ve woven together those intriguing elements!! And: Hooray for your poem! It’s terrific! Please forgive this if I’ve misnterpreted anything but WOWEE I LOVE an “Alice in Wonderland”/”Alice Through the Looking Glass” reference!! You brought its vibe to life, in image & words!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there Tiffany,
    First let me say I love your work.- so bold & colorful! I have been spending all afternoon seeking out fellow artist blogs to follow & am oh so glad I came across yours! Very very cool.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Tiffany, I really adnire your art work. Moreover, I fee that your poetry really complements your mixed-media collage here. I would certainly like to read more of it. Thanks so much for supporting mine.

    Liked by 1 person

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