Vintage Quilt

Okay, I can’t really take all the credit for this design, I just took a picture with my iPhone and uploaded it to my Redbubble site.

The story behind this design, my mom made it! It’s a piece of hand quilted cotton fabric about 12″ x 16″ that she started many years ago and never finished. My mom is well versed in many arts and crafts, not to mention a wonderful watercolorist! This was in a pile of stuff she was giving away, I grabbed it, among other treasures, and I took a picture of it with my iPhone.

Well, there is a little more effort involved in making new products for my shop. I have to edit and resize images, play with the patterns and composition, not to mention write clever descriptions and add pertinent tags, and don’t get me started on the marketing! ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, yeah, I do some work to use Redbubble and I get a very small percentage of the cut. Why do I do it? Because the products are so darn cute!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™

Some of these products would make a great gift for someone who loves quilting or embroidery! Please check out all of the apparel and household products in my Redbubble shop here! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿงต

29 replies to “Vintage Quilt

    1. Isn’t it great Judith? I love that we have so many options for sharing all kinds of arts and crafts and combining them too! There is nothing I would rather do with my time!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™


  1. I love the old quilts, people use to hand sew the entire quilts which is wild. I made two for my daughter when she was a baby. This is a great piece and something I would have never thought of my friend. By the way that bright red hair is awesome it is smashing on you my friend. Love Joni xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Joni! My mom hand-made a beautiful “Crazy Quilt” for me for my wedding gift, it is absolutely amazing, very special to be cherished forever! I am sure your daughter feels the same way with her quilts! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•

      Liked by 1 person

      1. How precious. It is a very special gift filled with love and kindness. Each stitch. So special. My mom had started making a quilt for my daughter and each square had a child with a different bonnet. It was so beautiful and it was all hand sewn. I gave it to my daughter one Christmas as my younger sister choose to keep it from me after my mom killed her self. She still had the needle and thimble she had used. I paid a professional quilt maker to put the two pieces together. It was so beautiful. At the time her boyfriend gave her a Tiffany diamond watch, and she was grateful but she cried like a baby over the quilt. It was so
        Obvious what meant more. Money doesnโ€™t make us happy. Kindness, a loving heart, friendships and feeling safe are what matters.
        My daughterโ€™s two quilts I made her were always with her and they were worn out. Your so special and talented Tiffany. I love you โค๏ธ Joni


  2. That dress makes me think of something that Sundance would love in their catalog. I use to buy jewelry from them but I have enough, but there clothes are expensive, I bet they would love that look. xoxox

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You should check out their clothing on line. I think they would love the clothes. Maybe you should get the address and send them one and if the took it own you would probably have a fat payday. Then you could buy a house by the ocean and do your Arp-Daleo.
        Love you talented one. ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•


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