Joshua Tree

There is something special about the desert air that always clears my mind, and resets my balance. I always return feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to create.

We just got home after a few days out in Joshua Tree National Park. It was beautiful and chilly! It had snowed the week before, most of it had melted, but we found some snow left in the shadier nooks and crannies.

It was the perfect getaway before my husband goes back to work after being furloughed, and I start my new part-time job on Tuesday! I will share more about that in a future post, for now, I am feeling reenergized and I’m anxious to get back in my studio to create!🎨

I won’t bore you with ALL of my photos, here are just a few, (of hundreds) that I thought were share worthy! 😍🌵🐢

Have a great week everybody!😊

32 replies to “Joshua Tree

  1. Your pictures give me a crisp, crystal clear feeling. Not just because of high-quality, but also the contrast between the blue sky and the (“sticky”) desert. I have never been in a desert before, and I automatically think of that kind of blue sky connected to the sea or fjords, or snowy mountains. You know, water in any form. That is why the contrast seems extra (I don’t know how to put it) powerful to me. I am guessing your feeling about refreshing desert air, is the same as I get when close to the water or the mountains. (Sorry, I am talkative today).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I always adore and appreciate your comments, Bird, thank you so much! It is a special place for sure, I spent a lot of my childhood weekends in the desert, it is very calm, with a bit of danger, very intriguing indeed! ☺


  2. Smashing good pics Tiffany! What a place that is! Here in Spain, south of where I live, in the province of Murcia, there are desert areas very similar. I too love the desolation, the strange isolation feeling you get in the desert. A great place to recharge the batteries and come back with some new thoughts to carry on. Lovely post.
    All the best,

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  3. Fabulous photographs, Tiffany ~ thanks so much for sharing 🙂 The Joshua Tree National Park looks amazing! Love the desert & the geological features you’ve captured are impressive. You must have had a marvelous time, indeed ~ so inspiring 👍 Best wishes, your friend Phil.

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  4. Wow, so many beautiful photos! I would love to visit Joshua Tree National park one day. Having lived in Ireland for nearly 20 years and seeing its evergreen landscape every day, I would love to exchange it for a a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs. Thanks for sharing and have a good day. Aiva 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What incredible terrain, Tiffany! It’s always been such a strange and as you say exhilarating experience being in such different terrain! And big congratulations on ya’ll’s new jobs! Even though we’re retired now, we know “very” much so how it feels ❤️ All the best for you both! 😊

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    1. Hi Neil! You absolutely must make a visit! It gets really hot in the Summer so Jan – April is the best time to go. There are always some people there, but the park is so huge, you can easily avoid them. I recommend camping inside the park, or get an Airbnb just outside and do day hikes!

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  6. These are truly beautiful Tiffany. Trust me no one would’ve bored with your photography. You have a keen eye and are quite the photographer. Your photos are lovely. The rocks with their curves and shadows are gorgeous too. It is hard to believe this year that 43,000 acres of that area was burned in 2020 along with 1.33 million Joshua trees burned. Some will come back. Thank you for sharing the beauty of this amazing area Tiffany. I am glad you were energized. Nature is so special.
    Sending you lots of love my dear friend. Love you Tiffany. 💕🤗❤️Joni

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    1. I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the photos, Joni! It’s one of my favorite places to visit, it’s always mind-clearing to stand in the middle of nowhere and feel at one with the earth! Love and light to you my friend! 🥰🤗💕

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      1. They were beautiful dear Tiffany. I am so grateful you had a chance to get away and enjoy yourselves. Love and light right back at you my talented friend. Sending bunches of love and hugs. 🤗❤️ love Joni

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