
9″ x 12″ Watercolor and ink on paper

“Dockside” sold within 30 minutes of posting it on Instagram today, it was still wet. If that doesn’t make an artist ecstatic, I don’t know what will! I’ve been very blessed lately, my art sales have been consistent and growing. I really believe in positive thinking, karma, and manifesting what you want, and I also believe in my art!

I put my soul into each piece. Sometimes I have no idea what a piece is about, but when the person that connects with it sees it for the first time, I get goosebumps!

Since in-person art shows are still not an option right now, I depend on Instagram and Facebook to promote my work. I’ve had great sales on my Fine Art America and Redbubble sites, but I make very little money on those sales. Still, I think getting my name and designs in front of people all over the world has some benefit, I hope so anyway! Etsy has also started to work for me, but I only upload smaller items that are easy to ship from that store.

I’ve had several people ask me about my experience with various apps and sales platforms and I am always happy to share with fellow artists, we have to support and encourage each other, now more than ever! 

11 replies to “Dockside

    1. Thanks, Anthony! It’s a daily commitment and it has taken a couple of years to see real progress, but I sure do love waking up to “you made a sale!” Instagram is pretty simple once you get the basics down, and try to post regularly, also, like and comment on other peoples posts, building relationships is key! I want to start doing more video, they say that is the future! All the best to you my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congratulations and not shocked or surprised,you are incredibly gifted with your creativity and vision,the scary part the best is still yet to come,I truly feel your passion and vision on your canvas and the power of your mind and words

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mr. Max, I’m humbled and grateful for your words and support! I really do believe that if we stay focused and keep moving forward, we can achieve all of our dreams! Have a blessed Sunday!


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