24 Years

16″ x 20″ Acrylic pour on canvas

This one is personal. 

July 7, 1996 was the day that my father passed away. I was 25 years old and not ready to lose my Dad, it was a shock to say the least. I’ve lived almost half my life without my Dad. Crazy.

Thinking about my Dad while painting this. He was a quiet man, but when he spoke, it was intelligent, thoughtful, important, or hilarious. He loved life, and he loved his family! It wasn’t always easy, but he never complained. He fought for his country in Vietnam, a broken back earned him a purple heart. Still, he worked in construction to support his family till his last days. Lots of layers. Full of love, full of heart, he helped everyone and anyone. He left behind many friends and family that will always cherish his memory. RIP Kenneth Robert Arp 12/25/45 – 7/7/96.

Me with my Dad about 1987

17 replies to “24 Years

  1. Beautiful painting!
    I’m so sorry you lost your dad. They always say time heals, but I don’t think that’s true. You never really heal from losing a loved one. Sending hugs your way! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some things never go away.
    For me July 7 was also a terrible day in 2016.
    We probably miss the ones we loved most for ever. I can relate to ow you feel about losing your dad. You know, we are never ready or able to accept the loss of loved one.
    yes, I miss my parents, too, a lot, especially mom who passed away last year. I have grandchildren 21 and 16, but mom meant everything to me. Neither dad, nor mom ever had a really good or easy life, it was just work and work. Well, I just continue.
    Sorry for the terrible experiences this day brought you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a beautiful painting. You have really captured the essence of the love you and your father shared. I’m sorry for your loss. You both look so happy together, and I’m sure he continues to be incredibly proud of you.

    Liked by 1 person

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