On the Way to the Cantina

16″ x 20″ Acrylic on canvas

I’ve been working on this painting for months, I think it’s finally complete. To me it looks like something out of Star Wars. Believe it or not, I am not a big Star Wars fan, I’ve only seen a few of the movies. That’s why I reached out to my friend Lina, she is the expert on all things Star Wars. She suggested calling it “Cantina” because she said she kept hearing the song from that famous cantina scene in the original movie. I do really like some of those crazy characters! Since I see more of an outdoor scene, I decided to call it “On the Way to the Cantina”, a compromise!

I’d love to hear if you see something different?

25 replies to “On the Way to the Cantina

  1. I was going to say that looks post apocalyptic, but the Star Wars cantina makes perfect sense. I liked the first Star Wars, but I gave up on Star Wars when they introduced the ewoks. I couldn’t deal with them.

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  2. I really like your compromise title for this, Tiffany! And the feeling is way better than most images of “cantinas” I’ve had or seen, in film or real life, lol! Love the semi-tropical wistful hopefulness of the colors and silhouettes. It feels cool with a hint of a warm evening, strange as that may be ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very nice work! I like the colours and the way they stand out and at the same time blend into the sort of end of the world background…very nice indeed! Greetings and all the best,

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