Finalist in the Artists Choice Show!

I’m so excited! I just found out I am an exhibition finalist in the Fusion Art Online Art Exhibition “Artists Choice” competition!!!

“Break on Through” 20″ x 16″ spray and acrylic paint on canvas

This competition received entries from artists all around the world including the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Columbia, Hong Kong, Korea, New Zealand and Taiwan. Only 135 painting were chosen, including my painting “Break on Through”. I’m ecstatic to be included among so many truly talented artists, there are some really great artists here!

“Break on Through” is currently on display at the Mission restaurant in North Park, and surprisingly still available for sale for only $150.00! An internationally acclaimed painting for a steal! Please contact me if interested.

This is my second painting that made the final cut in a Fusion Art competition, my painting “Thick Skinned” was chosen for their 4th Annual Animal Kingdom show in March 2019. By the way, this painting is also still available for sale! 🙂

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