In the Golden Light

This was a quick painting. Just a few dabs of paint, mostly acrylics, moved around with an old credit card onto a page in my 11″ x 14″ mixed media sketchbook. I knew to stop early on this one, it shouldn’t be overworked. The story is there, it is something special, but it’s not my story to tell.

I would love to hear/read my storytelling friends lend their tales…. please share your thoughts and stories about this painting in the comments!

45 replies to “In the Golden Light

  1. Beautiful Tiffany.

    The sun began to set upon the gold horizon
    Reflecting light on sails coming home
    As they smiled
    Youngster watching his fishing line
    God was kissing the sky with golden hues

    Your painting easily evokes poetic words. Thanks Tiffany.

    Love to both you and your honey.

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  2. I see a landscape with a bright shining sun through a cracked window. Perhaps in the sense that the sun and nature are always there, no matter what else happens. Or maybe there was a recent storm that caused the glass to crack, but then you wake up to sunshine and a “new” landscape the next day. My third interpretation is something that is hidden, a secret or something that one is prevented from reaching (at this time), it just shows up as something obscure, unattainable.

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  3. TIFFANY! The piece you posted earlier – “Township” – is FABULOUS!!! Stunning colors, love the entire thing – WOW! Sorry for leaving this comment here (can’t on the post), no need to reply, just had to tell you. 👏👏👏👏👏

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    1. Thank you so much, Robin!!! I turned off comments because I am so far behind in replying to all the previous comments!!! But I appreciate your reaching out here, I really like that painting too, I spent more time on it than usual! 😉

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      1. Awww…it’s tough to keep up & still do everything else that needs to done. Please don’t ever worry about replying to me – I’m sometimes weeks behind so I totally get it. Spend the time on your amazing art!! 🤗

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