Butterfly doodle

Original Doodle on 11″ x 14″ watercolor paper

Like most artists, I doodle. Whenever I am watching tv, talking to a friend on the phone, or just sitting enjoying my solitude, I am usually doodling, or creating something.

Digitally altered doodle

There’s always an unfinished painting, pieces of torn-up watercolors, and pens, paint, mediums galore to choose from.

I love to experiment with color combinations, different marks, lines, dots, and circles, there are no rules here!

Another altered version

My doodles are often manipulated in the Layout App to create something “extra”!

If you like this design, please visit my Redbubble shop and explore some of the fantastic products available featuring this design, and so many others! 🙏😊

I hope you enjoy these images and they inspire you to create something amazing! 😊🎨

33 replies to “Butterfly doodle

        1. Yay!!!! Thank you so much for your support, Rebecca, I hope you love the scarf and the mouse pad! I have a mousepad with one of my oldest designs, maybe I will refresh it with a newer design, it’s the small things! 🙏🦋🥰😉

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