The Mind Of A Child

18″ x 18″ Mixed media on canvas

When I was in first grade my teacher had us pose for a profile silhouette cut out, probably to give our parents for Christmas or something. Somehow it survived all these years and I found it again recently. It’s kind of big, a little torn, the black construction paper is faded, I almost trashed it.

Several days ago I had the idea to take that silhouette of my 6 year old face, stick it on a crazy abstract painting that was never finished, and I spray painted it black, like a template. The image being a little off-set, I thought the addition of some pressed pansies that my mom had given me would be appropriate, as though the child is smelling a bouquet.

I then spent a few days adding details and getting the color balance right. All the while thinking about what might be spinning around in a normal 6 year old head. For me personally, it was a lot of nature, flowers, and animals, but also a lot of confusion and questions. I will leave it at that.

Photographing the painting was a real challenge. Every time I try to photograph a canvas with black spray paint, I get a glare, or a sheen, especially with all the texture, no matter what I try. This was the best I could do. If you photographers out there have any advice, I would love to hear it!

My husband said he couldn’t tell what it was, until I told him. My mom on the other hand knew it was my profile immediately. I’m curious if you saw a Childs’ profile right away, or something else?

22 replies to “The Mind Of A Child

  1. I absolutely saw the profile and connected to what you shared as well. I love the whimsical yet abstract feel of it too. The details you added do make it pop just right!!!
    I finally got to paint the other day too and I thought of you🤗❤

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    1. Thank you so much, Maria! It can be difficult to touch on my childhood, but when I can turn it into a happy positive, I need to do that! I’m thrilled to hear you are tapping into your visual art again, I hope it brings you healing and insight!💕🥰🎨

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