Sacred Tribal Circle

12″ x 12″ Acrylic on canvas

This painting, to me, represents a circle of people, perhaps Native Americans, gathered around a fire. I think they are having an important discussion and have called upon the spirits of their ancestors to guide them. 

I’ve always felt a connection with Native American history and culture. I loved visiting my Grandparents in Arizona as a kid. They took me on excursions to the local Indian reservations, I was fascinated with how they lived with the land and with nature. A couple of the most impressionable sites to me were Tuzigoot National Monument and Montezuma Castle National Monument.

My third grade teacher also instilled a respect and admiration of Native Americans, he taught me about the injustice and discrimination they endured, and still do, like so many others. 

I wish from the bottom of my soul that someday there will be absolute peace, harmony and mutual respect for all lives. Be kind and love each other!

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5 replies to “Sacred Tribal Circle

  1. Way cool abstract artwork, Tiffany! I can imagine a Pow Wow in progress, with an Indian Chief in feathered-headdress, imparting wisdom among the tribe through song.

    Liked by 1 person

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