Space Oddity

I spent the 80’s madly in love with David Bowie. He was my reason for living. I gathered every book, magazine article and interview that I could get my hands on, this was before the internet mind you. I owned every album and played them over and over with my headphones, searching for hidden messages, and over-analyzing the lyrics.

It was during this time that my fashion sense was a bit, well, outrageous. My hair was every color in the rainbow, depending on the day, my clothes were all hand made or altered thrift store finds, the more bazaar the better!

Anyway, this painting started out as a really bright and beautiful pour, and then I screwed it up. I tried the wet paper towel swipe thing, but it didn’t turn out the way I was anticipating. It’s still pretty cool, it makes me think of space, and maybe, just maybe, this was the view for Major Tom while he was floating round in his tin can!

16″ x 20″ Acrylic pour on canvas $125.00

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